Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 2010 - warning to my readers

Hi all, I am still here. Just been extremely busy with the hedgehogs lately we have had 7 in this summer all at once. With 5 of them being rather small when we got them in. So I have been doing like 2 hourly feeds with some and that is even through out the night. So I know I have neglected my food blogging. Anyway, I just wanted to warn you all that I have a person who keeps trying to post a comment here, but I have switched to moderated comments and won't let it through. But in case there is a way around my blocks I just wanted to for warn you all not to go to any weird looking links from any of the comments that may be posted in my blogs. Either they are trying to sell you some sort of rubbish or they are trying to spread a virus. Either way I would advise not clicking on any strange links from folks you don't know or trust.

Brian and I will be taking a bit of a break from the hedgehogs, we have some home improvements that need doing so maybe I will find some time then to get back to doing some food blogging. All the best and hope you all are well and eating super yummy food. xxx